The PROF XXI Competence Framework for Teaching and Learning Centres
The PROF XXI Framework: Institutional Competences for 21st Century Learning draws from the European Framework for Digitally Competent Educational Organisations (DigCompOrg) and the subsequent European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu). However, it’s focus is not on the digitally preparedness of organisations or on the digitally readiness of educators, but on how Teaching and Learning Centres (TLC) may be able to spearhead and support innovation of teaching and learning practices with the use of digital technologies. The framework organises a total of 50 competences that are distributed in 5 levels and 5 dimensions that are interrelated, as seen in the table below.
Based on this competence framework, the PROF XXI accreditation service has developed a classification of the TLC expressed in 5 levels, as follows:
- Level 1 – Development
- Level 2 – Innovation
- Level 3 – Value creation
- Level 4 – New Challenges and Opportunities
- Level 5 – Public accountability of impacts for continuous improvement
For each of these stages of development, a number of standards and quality indicators has been established, as follows:
Level 1 | Development | The TLC demonstrates the basic competences to start its activities. |
Level 2 | Innovation | The TLC demonstrates to have the necessary competences to be able to generate and promote educational innovation in its HEI. |
Level 3 | Value creation | The TLC demonstrates to have the necessary competences to generate value in its institution, bringing about changes and transformations in its culture. |
Level 4 | New Challenges and Opportunities | The TLC demonstrates to have the necessary competences to identify new institutional challenges related to innovation and teaching quality. |
Level 5 | Public accountability of impacts for continuous improvement | The TLC demonstrates to have the necessary skills to ensure the monitoring and transparency of the actions carried out. |
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