¡Gracias por registrarte al Webinar “Una perspectiva socio analítica de la relevancia de los nutracénticos”!
Thank you for registering for the Webinar The Relevance of Nutraceuticals in 2022 and Beyond: A Socio-Analytical Perspective

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Check your email. In a few minutes you will receive the information you requested. If you do not receive the email with the information from Universidad Galileo in the next few minutes, look in your other mail folders such as “Promotions”, “Notifications” or “Newsletter”, or in “Junk” or “Spam”, sometimes they leak there. If you do not receive the email, it may be that you misspelled your email, so we ask you to fill in your data again on the page prior to this one and check that they are correctly written. Save the date, the free Webinar will be on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2022 at 3:30 p.m. Guatemala (UTC-6). 


+502 2423-8010

Correo electrónico


7a ave calle Dr. Eduardo Suger Cofiño zona 10, campus central Universidad Galileo. Oficina 406, 4to Nivel Torre I, Galileo campus Central